Latest Data on Sunda Strait Tsunami 429 Killed 16 Thousand Refugees

Kabar Hub. The number of victims who died in the Sunda Strait tsunami in Banten and Lampung for a while amounted to 429 people. This data is still likely to continue to grow considering the data collection is still ongoing.

Head of Data Information and Public Relations Center for the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said, this data was recorded up to Tuesday (12/25) at 1:00 p.m. WIB or H + 3 day.

"A total of 429 people died. 1,485 were injured, 154 people were missing and 16,082 people were displaced," said Sutopo at the BNPB Office, Jakarta.

According to him this data keeps changing because the joint SAR Team continues to comb through five districts in Banten and Lampung affected by the tsunami.

So far, Pandeglang District in Banten has been the most severely affected by the tsunami. Other affected areas are Serang Regency, South Lampung, Tanggamus and Pesawaran.

The tsunami in the Sunda Strait is believed to have been triggered by a landslide by the sea due to the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau in the middle of the sea.

The tsunami came without early warning and natural signs such as receding sea water on the beach.

Until now, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency still calls on residents not to engage in activities in the coastal area, especially in the Sunda Strait.


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